Various amusing text filters
The filters collection harks back to the late 1980s, when various text filters were written to munge written language in amusing ways. The earliest and best known were legends such as the Swedish Chef filter and B1FF.
This package contains the following filter commands:
b1ff: a satire of a stereotypical Usenet newbie
censor: comply with the CDA
chef: convert English to Mock Swedish
cockney: Cockney English
elee: k3wl hacker slang
fanboy: a stereotypical fan (supports custom fandoms)
fudd: Elmer Fudd
jethro: hillbilly text filter
jibberish: a random selection of these filters
jive: Jive English
ken: turn English into Cockney
kraut: a bad German accent
ky00te: a very cute accent
LOLCAT: as seen in Internet GIFs everywhere
nethackify: wiped-out text as found in nethack
newspeak: à la 1984
nyc: Brooklyn English
pirate: talk like a pirate
rasterman: straight from the keyboard of Carsten Haitzler
scottish: fake Scottish (Dwarven) accent
scramble: scramble the "inner" letters of each word
spammer: turn honest text into something liable to be flagged as spam
studly: studly caps.
uniencode: use glorious Unicode to the fullest possible extent
upside-down: flip the text upside down
The GNU project hosts a similar collection of filters, the GNU talkfilters.
- Versions: 2.55
- Website:
- Licenses: Expat · GPL 1+ · GPL 2 · GPL 2+ · GPL 3+ · Public Domain
- Package source: gnu/packages/toys.scm
- Builds: See build status
- Issues: See known issues
Install the latest version of filters
as follows:
guix install filters
Or install a particular version:
guix install filters@2.55
You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell
documentation for more information.
Badge code
You can use the following badge to inform users of filters about the latest version available in Guix.
Example HTML:
<a href=''><img src='' alt='Version in GNU Guix'></a>
Example Markdown:
Example Org: