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Management suite for dotfiles

The rcm suite of tools is for managing dotfiles directories. This is a directory containing all the .*rc files in your home directory (.zshrc, .vimrc, and so on). These files have gone by many names in history, such as “rc files” because they typically end in rc or “dotfiles” because they begin with a period. This suite is useful for committing your rc files to a central repository to share, but it also scales to a more complex situation such as multiple source directories shared between computers with some host-specific or task-specific files.


Install the latest version of rcm as follows:

guix install rcm

Or install a particular version:

guix install rcm@1.3.5

You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell documentation for more information.