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aflplusplus 4.09c

Security-oriented fuzzer

AFLplusplus is a security-oriented fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the fuzzed code. The compact synthesized corpora produced by the tool are also useful for seeding other, more labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes down the road. It is a fork of American Fuzzy Lop fuzzer and features:

  • A more recent qemu version.

  • More algorithms like collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, etc.


Install aflplusplus 4.09c as follows:

guix install aflplusplus@4.09c

Or install the latest version:

guix install aflplusplus

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