This package browser is in early development. Mind the rough edges.


Plug A Simple Socket Transport

passt implements a thin layer between guest and host, that only implements what's strictly needed to pretend processes are running locally. The TCP adaptation doesn't keep per-connection packet buffers, and reflects observed sending windows and acknowledgements between the two sides. This TCP adaptation is needed as passt runs without the CAP_NET_RAW capability: it can't create raw IP sockets on the pod, and therefore needs to map packets at Layer-2 to Layer-4 sockets offered by the host kernel.

Also provides pasta, which similarly to slirp4netns, provides networking to containers by creating a tap interface available to processes in the namespace, and mapping network traffic outside the namespace using native Layer-4 sockets.


Install the latest version of passt as follows:

guix install passt

Or install a particular version:

guix install passt@2023_12_30.f091893

You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell documentation for more information.