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python-arcp 0.2.1

Archive and Package URI parser and generator

arcp provides functions for creating arcp_ URIs, which can be used for identifying or parsing hypermedia files packaged in an archive or package, like a ZIP file. arcp URIs can be used to consume or reference hypermedia resources bundled inside a file archive or an application package, as well as to resolve URIs for archive resources within a programmatic framework. This URI scheme provides mechanisms to generate a unique base URI to represent the root of the archive, so that relative URI references in a bundled resource can be resolved within the archive without having to extract the archive content on the local file system. An arcp URI can be used for purposes of isolation (e.g. when consuming multiple archives), security constraints (avoiding "climb out" from the archive), or for externally identiyfing sub-resources referenced by hypermedia formats.


Install python-arcp 0.2.1 as follows:

guix install python-arcp@0.2.1

Or install the latest version:

guix install python-arcp

You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell documentation for more information.