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python-ufolib2 0.13.1

Unified Font Object (UFO) font processing library

The ufoLib2 Python library is meant to be a thin representation of the Unified Font Object (UFO) version 3 data model, intended for programmatic manipulation and fast batch processing of UFOs. It resembles the defcon library, but does without notifications, the layout engine and other support classes. Where useful and possible, ufoLib2 tries to be API-compatible with defcon.


Install python-ufolib2 0.13.1 as follows:

guix install python-ufolib2@0.13.1

Or install the latest version:

guix install python-ufolib2

You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell documentation for more information.