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Biterm Topic Models for Short Text

Biterm Topic Models find topics in collections of short texts. It is a word co-occurrence based topic model that learns topics by modeling word-word co-occurrences patterns which are called biterms. This in contrast to traditional topic models like Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis which are word-document co-occurrence topic models. A biterm consists of two words co-occurring in the same short text window. This context window can for example be a twitter message, a short answer on a survey, a sentence of a text or a document identifier. The techniques are explained in detail in the paper 'A Biterm Topic Model For Short Text' by Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, Xueqi Cheng (2013)


Install the latest version of r-btm as follows:

guix install r-btm

Or install a particular version:

guix install r-btm@0.3.7

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