This package browser is in early development. Mind the rough edges.


M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams

This package provides a set of m4 macros for drawing high-quality electric circuits containing fundamental elements, amplifiers, transistors, and basic logic gates to include in TeX, LaTeX, or similar documents. Some tools and examples for other types of diagrams are also included. The macros can be evaluated to drawing commands in the pic language, which contains elements of a simple programming language, and is well-suited to line drawings requiring parametric or conditional components, fine tuning, significant geometric calculations or repetition, or that are naturally block structured or tree structured. Alternative output macros can create TeX output to be read by PSTricks, TikZ commands for use by the PGF bundle, or SVG.


Install the latest version of texlive-circuit-macros as follows:

guix install texlive-circuit-macros

Or install a particular version:

guix install texlive-circuit-macros@2024.2

You can also install packages in augmented, pure or containerized environments for development or simply to try them out without polluting your user profile. See the guix shell documentation for more information.

Badge code

You can use the following badge to inform users of texlive-circuit-macros about the latest version available in Guix.

Example HTML:

<a href=''><img src='' alt='Version in GNU Guix'></a>

Example Markdown:

[![Version in GNU Guix](](

Example Org:
