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Search results for "RStudio"

r-job 0.3.0

Run code as an RStudio job

r-citr 0.3.2

RStudio add-in to insert Markdown citations

r-rstudioapi 0.16.0

Safely access the RStudio API

r-colourpicker 1.3.0

Color picker tool for Shiny and for selecting colors in plots

r-arsenal 3.6.3

Functions for large-scale statistical summaries

r-getpass 0.2-4

Masked user input

r-ggthemeassist 0.1.5

Add-in to customize ggplot2 themes

r-heatmaply 1.5.0

Interactive cluster heat maps using plotly

r-leaflet 2.2.2

Create interactive web maps with the JavaScript Leaflet library

r-lintr 3.1.2

Linter for R code

r-magick 2.8.3

Advanced graphics and image-processing in R

r-methylaid 1.36.0

Quality control of large Illumina DNA Methylation array data sets

r-progress 1.2.3

Terminal progress bars

r-rsconnect 1.2.2

Deployment interface for R Markdown documents and Shiny applications

r-usethis 2.2.3

Automate R package and project setup