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Search results for "python"

python 3.10.7

High-level, dynamically-typed programming language

python 3.10.7

High-level, dynamically-typed programming language

python-ffmpeg-python 0.2.0-0.df129c7

Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support

python-python-snappy 0.6.1

Python bindings for the Snappy compression library

python-random2 1.0.1

Python 3 version of the Python 2 `random' module

python-btchip-python 0.1.32

Python library to communicate with Ledger Nano dongle

python-dbus-python 1.3.2

Python bindings for libdbus

python-docspec-python 2.2.1

Produce docspec data from Python source code

python-future 0.18.2

Single-source support for Python 3 and 2

python-six 1.16.0

Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

python-isort 5.12.0

Python utility/library to sort python imports

python-mpi4py 3.1.4

Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface standard

python-cheetah 3.3.1

Template engine

python-dill 0.3.6

Serialize all of Python

python-glob2 0.7

Extended Version of the python buildin glob module

python-langcodes 3.3.0

Python library for working with language codes

python-lzo 1.14

Python bindings for the LZO data compression library

python-mypy 1.4.1

Static type checker for Python

python-pandera 0.17.2

Perform data validation on dataframe-like objects

python-parso 0.8.3

Python Parser

python-scooby 0.5.12

Report hardware information and Python package versions

python-sip 4.19.25

Python binding creator for C and C++ libraries

python-sip 6.8.3

Python binding creator for C and C++ libraries

python-wrapper 3.10.7

Wrapper for the Python 3 commands

python-wrapper 3.10.7

Wrapper for the Python 3 commands

python-mysql-connector-python 8.0.33

MySQL driver written in Python

python-forex-python 1.5

Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion

python-meson-python 0.15.0

Meson Python build backend (PEP 517)

python-backports-csv 1.0.7

Backport of Python 3's csv module for Python 2

python-pyside-2 5.15.10

The Qt for Python product enables the use of Qt5 APIs in Python applications

python-pyside-6 6.6.2

The Qt for Python product enables the use of Qt6 APIs in Python applications

python-apscheduler 3.10.4

Task scheduling library for Python

python-billiard 4.2.0

Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes

python-bitstruct 8.14.0

Python values to and C bit field structs converter

python-box 7.1.1

Advanced Python dictionaries with dot notation access

python-caniusepython3 7.2.0

Check for Python 3-incompatible Python libraries

python-cloudpickle 1.6.0

Extended pickling support for Python objects

python-commentjson 0.9.0

Python library for adding comments to JSON files

python-cvxopt 1.2.7

Python library for convex optimization

python-cython 0.29.32

C extensions for Python

python-cython 0.29.35

C extensions for Python

python-dogtail 0.9.11

GUI test tool and automation framework written in Python

python-empy 3.3.3

Templating system for Python

python-epc 0.0.5

Remote procedure call (RPC) stack for Emacs Lisp and Python

python-file 5.44

Python bindings to the libmagic file type guesser

python-fire 0.5.0

Library for automatically generating command line interfaces

python-gast 0.5.3

Generic Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version

python-grid5000 1.2.3

Grid5000 python client

python-gridmap 0.14.0

Create jobs on a cluster directly from Python

python-hdf4 0.9

Python interface to the NCSA HDF4 library

python-hy 0.26.0

Lisp frontend to Python

python-jedi 0.18.2

Autocompletion and static analysis library for Python

python-matplotlib 3.8.2

2D plotting library for Python

python-mock 3.0.5

Python mocking and patching library for testing

python-numba 0.56.4

Compile Python code using LLVM

python-pdf2image 1.17.0

Python wrapper around `pdftoppm' and `pdftocairo'

python-pycryptodome 3.15.0

Low-level cryptographic Python library

python-pyftpdlib 1.5.7

Asynchronous and scalable Python FTP server library

python-pygmsh 7.1.17

Python frontend for Gmsh

python-pypdf2 1.26.0

Pure Python PDF toolkit

python-pyyaml 5.4.1

YAML parser and emitter for Python

python-pyyaml 6.0

YAML parser and emitter for Python

python-rsa 3.4.2

Pure-Python RSA implementation

python-shellescape 3.8.1

Shell escape a string to safely use it as a token in a shell command

python-simplejson 3.17.6

Json library for Python

python-sure 2.0.1

Automated testing library in python for python

python-toolchain 3.10.7

Python toolchain

python-xlib 0.29

Python X11 client library

python-six-bootstrap 1.16.0

Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

python-sqlalchemy-utils 0.38.3

Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy

python-jschema-to-python 1.2.3

Generate Python classes from a JSON schema

emacs-python-black 1.2.0

Reformat Python code via `python-black'

python-aioftp 0.22.3

FTP client/server for asyncio in Python

python-aplpy 2.1.0

Astronomical Plotting Library in Python


Another Python SQLite Wrapper

python-astroid 2.11.7

Python source code base representation

python-astunparse 1.6.3

AST unparser for Python

python-asyncssh 2.13.1

Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library for Python

python-beniget 0.4.1

Extract semantic information about static Python code

python-bonsai 1.2.0

Access LDAP directory servers from Python

python-cattrs 22.1.0

Python library for structuring and unstructuring data

python-clingo 5.7.1

Python bindings for clingo

python-configparser 4.0.2

Backport of configparser from python 3.5

python-crate 0.23.2

CrateDB Python client

python-cryptography 41.0.4

Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python

python-daemon 3.0.1

Python library for making a Unix daemon process

python-deepdish 0.3.7

Python library for HDF5 file saving and loading

python-discover 0.4.0

Python test discovery for unittest

python-drmaa 0.7.7

Python bindings for the DRMAA library

python-efl 1.26.0

Python bindings for EFL

python-entrypoints 0.3

Discover and load entry points from installed Python packages

python-eradicate 2.0.0

Remove commented-out code from Python sources

python-eventlet 0.33.3

Concurrent networking library for Python

python-fastbencode 0.0.7

Python Bencode (de)serializer with optional fast C extensions

python-fiona 1.9.4.post1

Fiona reads and writes spatial data files

python-flint 0.5.0

Python module wrapping ARB and FLINT

python-geopy 2.0.0

Geocoding library for Python

python-gitpython 3.1.24

Python library for interacting with Git repositories

python-gphoto2 2.2.1

Python interface to libgphoto2

python-gst 1.22.3

GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python